Yellowjacket Honor Choir
Alvin HS Choir Feeder Patter 5th Grade Elementary Honor Choir
Our 5th grade Elementary Honor Choir named "Yellowjacket Honor Choir" was founded in 2022 and consists of the top 5th grade aspiring singers in the 7 elementary schools within the Alvin HS Choir feeder pattern: Alvin Elementary, Disney Elementary, Passmore Elementary, Hasse Elementary, Nelson Elementary, Hood Case Elementary, and Mark Twain Elementary! Honor Choir membership is determined by each elementary music teacher on their home campuses! Email your elementary music teacher for more information!
2024 Elementary Honor Choir
Important Dates
Friday, October 4, 2024 - All 2024 Yellowjacket Honor Choir members selected
Each elementary music teacher selects their Yellowjacket Honor Choir representatives for their campus! Each student receives a music packet and practice tracks to prepare for the combined zone rehearsal.
Tuesday, November 12, 2024 - Zone Rehearsal 5:00-7:00 pm, all music must be learned
The 7 elementary schools in the Alvin HS Choir feeder pattern are split into TWO ZONES:
Zone A -- Alvin Elementary, Disney Elementary, Hood Case Elementary, and Mark Twain Elementary
Zone Rehearsal Location: Harby Junior High with Ms. Christie, Harby JH Choir and Mrs. Evelyn Shaffer, Alvin JH Choir
Zone B -- Passmore Elementary, Hasse Elementary, and Nelson Elementary
Zone Rehearsal Location: Fairview Junior High with Mr. Gonzales, Fairview JH Choir
Monday, November 18, 2024 - Dress Rehearsal 5:00-7:00 pm, Honor Choir T-Shirt given
All 5th grade honor choir singers combine at the Alvin High School Performing Arts Center under the direction of 3 SUPERSTAR Junior High Choir Directors -- Mr. Gonzales-Fairview JH Choir,
Ms. Christie-Harby JH Choir, and Mrs. Shaffer-Alvin JH Choir and hosted by the Alvin HS Choir Directors -- Mr. Duncan and Ms. White!
Tuesday, November 19, 2024 - Concert 5:00 call time for performers, 7:00 pm concert begins
Timeline of the Concert Day
5:00 pm -- All 5th grade honor choir students need to arrive at the Alvin High School Performing Arts Center (PAC) wearing their 2024 Honor Choir T-Shirt and jeans (no holes).
**No parents, visitors, or guests are allowed in the PAC during the pre-concert rehearsal**
6:30 pm -- The auditorium will open to all family, visitors, and guests to take their seats for the concert.
7:00 pm -- The concert will start promptly at 7:00 pm. The concert is free and open to the public! No ticket required.
7:30 pm -- The estimated concert end time, dismissal after the concert is by elementary campus. Please remain seated until your child's elementary school is dismissed.
2023 - 2nd annual Elementary Honor Choir | November 16, 2023

2022 - inaugural Elementary Honor Choir | November 3, 2022